Thursday, December 11, 2014

Robin Hood

"Would you like to join the Robin Hood Club?", they asked.
"I'd be thrilled", she replied.
In eager anticipation, she dyed her hair green and painted her face to better blend into the forest and to please the Merry Men.
You can imagine her disappointment when she realized that the Robin Hood Homemakers' Club had nothing to do with the forest and everything to do with baking with Robin Hood flour. 
Linking to Paint Party Friday,


denthe said...

Haha, love her and the little story that goes with her :-) She does look a bit pissed off ....

Faye said...

So clever! Loved the story to go with that gorgeous face!

alarmcat said...

she could start her own Robin Hood Club!! such pretty green hair :)

Tracey FK said...

that is funny... I hope she keeps the green hair though... I love how you work your love of greens into so many things... and those lines are wonderful...xx